Interzona and its history needs you
After we were forced to leave our old space “magazzino 22” we had to move all our supplies, some of which are rather voluminous and fragile. this caused a considerable financial commitment for the association.
These objects are part of the history of both our association and our territory: we have in fact always been committed to the safeguarding of the local industrial heritage. (one of these objects is the conveyor belt of the first picture)
Since we cannot keep anymore the aforementioned supplies in the storage unit, where they were located after the eviction, we have to move again all the objects. This entails an expense of 1000 euros.
At the moment we are focused on continuing the core activities of our association by planning the artistic and cultural events for the upcoming months. This is why we cannot afford the expense.
It’s for this reason we are asking for your help with a donation. In exchange, we have some small gifts that donors can pick up during our events or during next TEH meeting.